This led to many cases of venereal disease. The number of prostitutes around Hooker's division only 'cemented' the term. Popular legend has it that they were so common around the Army of the Potomac when Union general Joseph Hooker was in command that the term 'hooker' was coined to describe them however, the term had been in use since 1845. Prostitutes were among the camp followers following behind marching troops. However, this is not to say females were not available for sex. Only three of the novels are still known to exist they are located at the Kinsey Institute of Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. With the soldiers being far away from their wives and sweethearts, it is speculated these were used for masturbation, and not just for entertainment. These were usually pictures of nude women doing innocent things nude women that were engaging in actual sexual activity were usually not white, but either black or Native American. These twelve by fifteen inch pictures cost $1.20 for a dozen, or ten cents for a single picture. Photographs of nudity were available as well, and were purchased by both enlisted men and officers. These were inexpensive novels of a sexual nature.
At camp, ' barracks favorites' were available.